Our privacy policy explains how Kisim Africa Giving Platform uses and stores information submitted by users. This information could be obtained during the use of the website, but also by placing an order with Kisim Africa Giving Platform.

The privacy of our users is paramount. Therefore, Kisim Africa Giving Platform is committed to keeping information protected. When a customer is requested to submit identifiable information to Kisim Africa Giving Platform, this information will only be used as described in our privacy policy.

Kisim Africa Giving Platform maintains the right to update the privacy policy when required. To ensure you agree with the privacy policy we use for our website, please check our privacy policy regularly. If you do not agree with our privacy policy, please discontinue the use of our website.


Information That Could Be Collected While Using the Kisim Africa Giving Platform Website

The following information may be collected by Kisim Africa Giving Platform to provide services and/or products available on the website:

  • Full name of the website user;
  • Contact information (including an email address where we can contact you);

How the Collected Information Is Treated by Kisim Africa Giving Platform 

The information collected on our website is required to continue providing our users with our services and/or products. By systematically collecting this information, we can also improve any existing services and/or products.

Kisim Africa Giving Platform holds the right to keep an internal record of the collected information. The information may be used for the improvement and/or betterment of our products and our services. We also maintain the right to send website users promotional emails about  information that may prove interesting to certain users. Emails to website users will be sent to the address you submitted to Kisim Africa Giving Platform.

Kisim Africa Giving Platform also holds the right to contact website users for market research purposes. Subsequently, Kisim Africa Giving Platform could contact you by telephone or email,. The collected information for this contact may be used to customise the website for your preferences.

Links to Other Websites on Kisim Africa Giving Platform

The Kisim Africa Giving Platform website may contain external links. These external links could lead to a related website our users may be interested in. However, when you click on an external link posted on the Kisim Africa Giving Platform website, our company cannot be held liable regarding the use of this external website.External websites are out of the control of Kisim Africa Giving Platform. Therefore, our company cannot guarantee your privacy or your protection if such a website is used. Kisim Africa Giving Platform will not be held liable for websites not governed by this privacy statement. We advise that users exercise caution when visiting an external website not governed by our privacy policy. Always check if the site is governed by a privacy policy to ensure your own privacy and security.

Keeping Your Personal Information Safe

Kisim Africa Giving Platform is committed to keeping your personal information safe. Website users who provide contact information should be aware that contact information can be used for direct marketing purposes. Website users who have agreed to share their personal information for direct marketing purposes can withdraw this consent by contacting Kisim Africa Giving Platform in writing or by email. Kisim Africa Giving Platform does not sell, distribute, or lease personal information to third parties, unless Kisim Africa Giving Platform has the permission of the user or is required by law to share your personal information. Kisim Africa Giving Platform has the right to use your information to send promotional offers by third parties, which could prove interesting to the user in question.

Website users who believe their personal information, held by Kisim Africa Giving Platform, is incorrect or incomplete, can contact Kisim Africa Giving Platform to request amending. Users can do so by email or sending a written notification to the above address. Once your request is received, we will correct the incorrect information.


Do you have any questions and/or concerns regarding this privacy policy? Please contact Kisim Africa Giving Platform today for more information.