Supporting Orphans & The Less Privileged Receive Education
June 22, 2022



I am Eric Kallon Matthew the Chief executive officer of foundation for children youth’s and women’s empowerment Sierra Leone.

It was a Monday morning at around 11:23 am when my mind was almost blown apart when I met Isha sitting behind one of the classrooms at the school I am currently giving my service as a child protection worker. The girls’ looks were a clear definition of poverty; torn school uniform, pale face, burst plastic bag on the floor, nostrils running with continuous water and eyes were red. This got me curious and doubled my footsteps to meet her. She didn’t notice I was around her even when I placed my hand on her back. Her mood by then told me there were a couple of things running through her mind. I began to contemplate ‘’could she have been beaten by a teacher, mother, father, a colleague pupil or her food must have been stolen by an unknown person’’. I wiped her tears and consoled her. As I wiped her tears, I became so emotional and empathetic that I also cried. But I never wanted her to know I was crying too. I had to pretend as If I was going to micturate and took off my tissue, wiped my face and rushed to the place where food was sold at the school and secured a plate of rice for her. While eating the food, her facial appearance becomes less tense and began to smile. I used her smiling mood to dig deep to know what was the problem. I placed my left hand around her neck and rubbed her back. She raised her eyes and explained her ordeal.
” I lost my parents when I was in primary 5. My uncle was the only source of hope so I decided to relocate to him. He accepted me in his house and vouched to support my education. Life was ok for me in my uncle’s house until when I entered secondary school. As life smoothly sails in my uncle’s house, he left for Guinea to fish. He promised to be sending my foodstuffs and other basic needs on a monthly basis. A month and two passed by and nothing comes from my uncle. I decided to find a living by begging passersby and community people. But on this day, I have tried all means to get food but no way. All the people I met did not help me. Initially, I thought I could get food from my friends and other people on the school campus but no way. I was in class when hunger strikes me and I was unable to listen to all of the teachings the teacher was delivering. That is why I am out here crying. I am hungry sir’’. I asked her where she is staying currently and she directed me to a friend’s house.
Finally, Isha says she never wanted to miss the upcoming BECE exams but she had no chance but to miss it because she could not support herself. She asked me to seek support for her to go to school.
On that note, I am asking members of the public, philanthropist and well wishers to support Isha. Remember the little you give can give Isha a chance to be educated.

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