Coca-Cola’s Hand Washing Installations
September 27, 2021

The Namanve-based Coca-Cola Beverages Africa (Uganda office) continued to help in the country’s battle against the novel coronavirus. The company  established 800 public hand wash stations across the country, starting with Kampala, Mukono, Mbarara, Buikwe and Kalungu districts.

Speaking to East Africa Business Week, Coca-Cola Beverages Africa General Manager in Uganda, Melkamu Abebe, said that the August donation features 5,000-litre tanks and more than 3,000 -20 litre hand wash jerrycans.

Coca-Cola’s hand washing stations are interventions in crowded areas with a shortage hand washing facilities. Such areas include urban and peri-urban areas that serve food, and where people congregate in large numbers such as a transport stations like at the Taxi and bus park. Abebe stated Coca-Cola’s commitment to support and participate in prevention campaigns against the virus.

Upon receiving the hand-washing installations, Dr. Daniel Sentamu, thanked Coca-Cola for increasing access to sanitation stations to prevent infections, and lauded them for the initiative and urged the general public to make use of the stations as often as possible.

Today, the Kalungu District’s public hand wash stations can be found in Lukaya Town, a well-known major stop for public taxis and buses. The other hand washing stations can be found in busy street food spots like Najjembe, Namawojjolo, Ssenyi, and Kiyinda areas, along the busy Jinja Road Highway, among others.