Mama Sarah Somo
March 23, 2022

My name is Sara Somo and I am a mother to 25 children.  Well, biologically I have birthed two children, but my journey as a mother has given me many more. Many have called me Mother Teresa but that is not how I look at myself. I see myself as woman with a calling.  You see, I had a stroke in 2016 and was declared dead! In that time I was shown a different life. A life where I should be helping children. This is something I have been running away from. After my stroke, I realised that this is my life purpose. This is my calling.  I always get asked where I find these children. My sister passed away and left me her children to raise… soon after that it was friends’ passing on and putting me as their children’s guardian… Social workers also joined the bandwagon and before I knew it there were more kids. I could not and still cannot say no to these children.

I do not have formal employment and some of my children do not receive government grants but as I always say, ‘ha hona lebitla la tlala’ (this is a Sesotho proverb meaning there is no way one can die of hunger when you can still work). I work hard and will take any ‘piece-job’ to feed my children. I do people’s laundry, wash windows, help them clean…anything to feed my children. We will sometimes get lucky and have good samaritans helping us and feeding us…and on those occasions, I am eternally grateful.

I am just happy that I am able to feed and clothe my children. I will raise them and I will be there for them, God willing. This is my purpose and this is what God has put in front of me.

My name is Sarah and I am a mom of 25 children.