January 17, 2022

Wearing shoes comes so naturally to most people. We hardly ever stop to imagine the life of that person without a pair of shoes. Instead, we have a few pairs that we decide on daily.
Craig Smith saw a homeless man sleeping with his shoes tied around his wrists and sleeping on them, he asked him why…the answer, ‘If I don’t do that, then someone will steal them.’ Yes, shoes are prized possession for those who do not have them. That child that walks to school barefoot everyday, will appreciate a pair that might not be his size! This touched Craig so much that he decided to start Shoes4Life. An initiative that aims to bring dignity to those in need.

Craig tells the story of how he started his non-profit organisation and what still drives him to continue the good work, even after years. A journey that has seen him change his mind on possessions and change his life.